Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Wow. Sorry I have failed to write anything thus far. We have been going going going. We are now finally in Hyderabad, where we will be until the 13th, before we go back to Beantown to head out on the 15th, one month from today.

So trip summary thus far. Amazing time teaching morning school and playing with the kids in our house in Bangalore. Feels like home every time I go there (we've been in and out).

We took a trip to Calcutta to volunteer in the Mother Theresa homes, made so famous by her lifetime there. We got to work all day in two different homes, though not Khalighat , the famous home of the dying. We did get to visit there and prayer walk that area of Calcutta. I had about 4 hrs total time of not sweating in our time there, either in AC restaurants or showering. One day it was 111 degrees F with a heat index of 140. We were smart about it and didn't try to do too much, making for an amazing trip in which my father taught me a lot about life and how to feel about poverty, wealth, and the world.

Kristen, Mallory, Tim and I went to Delhi for almost a week. It was amazing. We saw the Taj Mahal, so many other amazing sites, and had so many many instances where all we could do is say, "TII (This is India)" for those unique times where it is so obvious you are not in kansas anymore. I think my favorite was when the driver we hired bribed a cop to not give him a speeding ticket. Welcome to India.

Stayed in Chennai with R. We had an amazing welcome with the local Body and received such a warm welcome. We got to lead songs, Kristen got to preach, we all got to speak about a testimony (they even asked us questions, like we were on a panel). It was fun, we were very blessed and honored.

Now we're in hyderabad. Anand has opened a home and taken in 21 kids of the streets or from AIDS parents who can't take care of them. we'll be with them from here on out. its amazing. 2 years ago, this was his dream. Now we get to be a part of it 2 months into it, seeing God provide in amazing ways. please pray for this new adventure, these kids are amazing. I'll try to update every now and then, but I can't promise anything, this is india.


1 comment:

JC said...

The other day while I was praying for you guys, Dad gave me the image of a safe. I think he wants Anand to know that that's how he views this house. Love ya'll, keep strong