Saturday, April 26, 2008

bad news

anand, our contact in india for the final 2 weeks of the trip called today. a family of three that he knew committed suicide because of financial reasons. another girl named Kyoti was very badly burned when she attempted to do the same by lighting herself on fire; she is now in critical condition. these sort of events, as horrific as they sound, are common in india, and people are largely desensitized to hearing such accounts. anand is starting an anti-suicide program to counsel, comfort and help

pray for:
hope - that as bad as things get, people would trust and know that Jesus is bigger
relief - that God would provide people, financial help, and in ways we can't even imagine
God's glory - may not make sense, but that the Lordwould shine ever brighter through this darkness

Thursday, April 24, 2008

site construction

site is now up and running... though looking a little bare. there's been a lot of support coming in over the past few weeks. it's awesome that the Lord is using so many people to provide and encourage, so thank you all so much. much more to come, right now we're just concentrating on surviving school (it's going to be a crash landing), so stay tuned in. thank you all. grace and peace